2015年11月3日 星期二

“ACE” Concept for Planning of Orthognathic Surgery

Michael Y. CHEN

Taichung China Medical University
Taichung, Taiwan

Literatures have demonstrated that Maxillo-Mandibular Advancement (MMA) is highly effective treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). However, few studies have addressed the esthetic outcome of Asian OSA patients who received MMA. No doubt the ethnic differences in craniofacial anatomy and cephlometric measurements, especially SNA/SNB, between Asians and Caucasians could lead to different result of esthetic alterations. By now there have been successful cases in the OMS department of Taichung China Medical University Hospital where “ACE” concept and Modified Maxillo-Mandibular Advancement (MMMA)were adopted and performed by the same surgeon for patients suffering from sleep related disorders. MMMA implies selected extraction of bicuspids pre-operatively followed by one-piece advancement of both jaws or intra-operatively with segmental surgery of maxilla and mandible in order to minimize the advancement of upper and lower anterior teeth thereby balancing the facial proportion specific for Asian population. Although OSA tends to occur in retrognathism, patients suffering from OSA with Skeletal Class I and even Class III occlusion are not uncommon. Therefore, The “ACE” concept (Airway, Chewing, Esthetics) should nerve be overlooked while planning surgery for each and every patient with dento-facial deformities.