2015年7月14日 星期二

陳畊仲醫師 Dr Ken-Chung CHEN

Curriculum Vitae


Topic: Fully adjustable Orthognathic surgery planning system

Personal Data

Name: Ken-chung CHEN

Division of oral and maxillofacial surgery, Department of Stomatology

National Cheng Kung University Hospital,Tainan,Taiwan

Academic title: Attending doctor

Date of birth : 1975/05/25

Country: Taiwan



Present PhD student Biomaterial, Institute of Biomedical engineering, National Cheng

Kung University ,Tainan,Taiwan

2009 M.S. Oral science, Institute of Oral Medicine ,Medical college of National

Cheng Kung University ,Tainan,Taiwan

2000 D.D.S Department of Dentistry, College of Oral Medicine ,Chung Shan

Medical University ,Taichung, Taiwan

Professional Experience:

Aug 2007-present Visiting staff, Division of oral and maxillofacial surgery, Department of

Stomatology,National Cheng Kung University Hospital

Sep 2012~ Aug 2013 Reserarch Fellowship, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Houston Methodist Hospital Research Institute, Houston, Texas ,USA

Aug 2006~July 2007 Fellowship, Division of oral and maxillofacial surgery, Department of

Stomatology,National Cheng Kung University Hospital

Aug 2002~July 2006 Resident Doctor, Division of oral and maxillofacial surgery, Department

of Stomatology,National Cheng Kung University Hospital

Aug 2000 ~ July2002 Resident Doctor, Tainan Municipal Hospital

Board Certified

Dec 2006 Diplomate, Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Taiwan (R.O.C)

Major Research Interests:

Biomaterials in dentistry

Computer assisted surgery

Clinical oral and maxillofacial surgery

Awards and Honors:

2005 Best poster presentation, 17th Annual Academic Conference, Association of Oral and

Maxillofacial Surgeons Taiwan(R.O.C)

2006 Best oral presentation, 18th Annual Academic Conference, Association of Oral and

Maxillofacial Surgeons Taiwan(R.O.C)

Best oral presentation, 18th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

2007 Best oral presentation,19th Annual Academic Conference, Association of Oral and

Maxillofacial Surgeons Taiwan(R.O.C)

2009 MEDARTIS Award of Poster, 54th Congress of the Japanese Society of Oral and

Maxillofacial Surgeons

2014 Best oral presentation,26th Annual Academic Conference, Association of Oral and

Maxillofacial Surgeons Taiwan(R.O.C)

Professional Memberships:

Association of oral and maxillofacial surgery Taiwan (R.O.C)-member

Research Publications:

Referred Paper

1.KC Chen,TY Wong,JS Huang,CH Chung 2005/09 Implantation of Cancer to Flap Donor Site-A Case Report Taiwan Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery 16(2):109-118

2.BC Chen,TY Wong, KC Chen,JS Huang,MC Chen 2007/09 Surgical Release of

Temporomandibular Joint Ankylosis with Interpositional Arthroplasty using Temporalis

Muscle Flap: A Case Report Taiwan Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery 18(2):118-130

3.BC Chen,CY Kao,CD Lee, KC Chen,TY Wong,JS Huang 2008/06 Right Cheek Nodular Fasciitis — A Case Report and Review of Literature Taiwan Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery 19(2):100-109

4.JS Huang,TY Wong,PJ Chang,YC Tsai, KC Chen 2008/12 Application of Patient-Controlled Analgesia (PCA) in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Patients Taiwan Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery 19(4):260-267

5.KM Ku, KC Chen,TY Wong,JS Huang,HL Song,CC Chen 2009/11Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Submandibular Gland-A Case Report Taiwan Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery 20(3):202-216

6.HY Chou, KC Chen,TY Wong,JS Huang,JJ Fang 2010/09 Treatment of Extensive Maxilla, Zygoma and Orbital Wall Osteonecrosis Caused by Rhino-orbital Mucormycosis Infection – A Case Report Taiwan Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery 21(3):192-205

7. L-C Fan,W-F Chiang,C-H Liang,Y-T Tsai,T-Y Wong,K-C Chen,T-M Hong,Y-L Chen 2011/06 α-Catulin knockdown induces senescence in cancer cells Oncogene. 30(23):2610-21

8. Kuo Yuan, KC Chen,YJ Chan,CC Tsai,HH Chen,CC Shih 2012/02 Dental Implant Failure Associated with Bacterial Infection and Long-term Bisphosphonate Usage: A Case Report Implant dentistry 21(1): 3-7

9. Li Wang, KC Chen, Feng Shi, Shu Liao, Gang Li, Yaozong Gao, Steve GF Shen, Jin Yan,Philip K. M. Lee, Ben Chow, Nancy X. Liu, James J. Xia, Dinggang Shen 2014/04 Automated bone segmentation from dental CBCT images using patch-based sparse representation and convex optimization Medical Physics 2014 ,41(4): 043503

10. Lee WT, Huang CC, KC Chen, Wong TY, Ou CY, Tsai ST, Yen CJ, Fang SY, Lo HI, Wu YH, Hsueh WT, Yang MW, Lin FC, Hsiao JR, Huang JS, Chang JY,Chang KY, Wu SY, Lin CL, Wang YH, Weng YL, Yang HC, Chang J. 2014/04 Genetic polymorphisms in the prostaglandin pathway genes and risk of head and neck cancer Oral Diseases 2014 Apr 12 published online

11. Sen-Tien Tsai1, Tung-Yiu Wong, Chun-Yen Ou, Sheen-Yie Fang, KC Chen, Jenn-Ren Hsiao, Cheng-Chih Huang, Wei-Ting Lee, Hung-I Lo, Jehn-Shyun Huang, Jiunn-Liang Wu, Chia-Jui Yen, Wei-Ting Hsueh, Yuan-Hua Wu, Ming-Wei Yang, Forn-Chia Lin, Jang-Yang Chang, Kwang-Yu Chang, Shang-Yin Wu, Hsiao-Chen Liao, Chen-Lin Lin, Yi-Hui Wang, Ya-Ling Weng, Han-Chien Yang andJeffrey S. Chang 2014/04 The interplay between alcohol consumption, oral hygiene,ALDH2 and ADH1B in the risk of head and neck cancer International Journal of Cancer 2014 135(10) 2424-2436

12. Cheng-Chih Huang,Wei-Ting Lee,Sen-Tien Tsai,Chun-Yen Ou,Hung-I Lo,Tung-Yiu Wong,Sheen-Yie Fang, KC Chen,Jehn-Shyun Huang,Jiunn-Liang Wu,Chia-Jui Yen,

Wei-Ting Hsueh,Yuan-Hua Wu,Ming-Wei Yang,Forn-Chia Lin,Jang-Yang Chang,Kwang-Yu Chang,Shang-Yin Wu,Jenn-Ren Hsiao,Chen-Lin Lin,Yi-Hui Wang,Ya-Ling Weng,Han-Chien Yang,Jeffrey S. Chang 2014/05 Tea Consumption and Risk of Head and Neck Cancer PLOS ONE 2014 9(5) e96507

Conference Paper(Taiwan)

1. KC Chen, JY Tai, JS Huang, CH Chung, HA Chen, TY Wong 2004/03 Treatment result of metachronous secomad primary oral SCC. 16th Annual Academic Conference, Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Taiwan(R.O.C)

2. KC Chen, JJ Fang, JS Huang, TY Wong 2005/03 Use of custom-made surgical template to guide intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy: case report. 17th Annual Academic Conference, Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Taiwan(R.O.C)

3. KC Chen, JJ Fang, Tony Wu, TY Wong 2006/03 Correction of tilted computed tomography images using self-developed computer program- the methods and their clinical applications. 18th Annual Academic Conference, Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Taiwan(R.O.C)

4. KC Chen, TY Wong, JJ Fang, HA Chen, JS Huang, CH Chung 2007/03. Treatment result of oral submucous fibrosis with prediction of coronoid process impingement by self-developed computer program. 19th Annual Academic Conference, Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Taiwan(R.O.C)

5. KC Chen, TY Wong, JJ Fang,JK Liu 2008/03 Model surgery tracking - use in preoperative planning of orthognathic surgery. 20th Annual Academic Conference, Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Taiwan(R.O.C)

6. KC Chen, JS Huang,TY Wong 2008/12 Bisphophonate related ostenecrosis of the jaw 2008 Annual scientific meeting, association for dental sciences of republic of china

7. KC Chen, TY Wong, JJ Fang 2009/03 Study of the facial bone asymmetry in 24 cases using the Best Symmetry Plane Program 21st Annual Academic Conference, Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Taiwan(R.O.C)

8. JB Lo, KC Chen, JS Huang,TY Wong 2009/11 Simultaneous bilateral parotid gland Wartnin’s tumor – a case report 2009 Annual scientific meeting, association for dental sciences of republic of china

9. PC Nien, KC Chen, JS Huang,TY Wong 2009/11 Primary intraosseous carcinoma in maxilla- a case report 2009 Annual scientific meeting, association for dental sciences of republic of china

10. KC Chen, TM Lee,TY Wong 2010/03 The effect of age and surface treatment on human jaw bone osteoblast reponse to titanium implant in vitro 22nd Annual Academic Conference, Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Taiwan(R.O.C)

11. KC Chen, JS Huang,TY Wong 2011/03 Diagnostic gland-sparing upper neck dissection-26 cases series 23rd Annual Academic Conference, Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Taiwan(R.O.C)

Conference Paper(International)

1. KC Chen,TY Wong,JJ Fang,TJ Wu. 2006/11. Correction of tilted computed tomography images using self-developed computer program- the methods and their clinical applications. Abstract of the 7th Asian Congress on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hong Kong. Asian J Oral Maxillofac Surg 18 (supplement 1): 32

2. KC Chen,TY Wong,JJ Fang,TJ Wu,JS Huang. 2007/11. Treatment result of oral submucous fibrosis with prediction of coronoid process impingement by self-developed computer program. Abstract of the 18th International Conference of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Bangalore, India, Internal J Oral Maxillofac Surg 36: 1044.

3. KC Chen,TY Wong,JS Huang 2009/05 Result of surgical treatment of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of jaw—report of 18 cases. Abstract of the 19th International Conference of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Shanghai, China, Internal J Oral Maxillofac Surg 3: 478

4. KC Chen,TY Wong,JJ Fang 2009/10 Study of the facial bone asymmetry in 24 cases using the Best Symmetry Plane Program The 54th Congress of the Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

5. KC Chen, TM Lee,TY Wong 2010/09 Age and surface treatment effect on hOB reponse to implant Annual scientic meeting 2010, 24 th International Association for Dental Research, South-East Asian Division

6. KC Chen,TY Wong,JJ Fang 2010/10 A retrospective study of 120 cases using rapid prototyping modeling in oral and maxillofacial surgery The 55th Congress of the Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Personal Data

Name: Ken-chung CHEN

Division of oral and maxillofacial surgery, Department of Stomatology

National Cheng Kung University Hospital,Tainan,Taiwan

Academic title: Attending doctor

Date of birth : 1975/05/25

Country: TAIWAN



Present PhD student Biomaterial, Institute of Biomedical engineering, National Cheng

Kung University ,Tainan,Taiwan

2009 M.S. Oral science, Institute of Oral Medicine ,Medical college of National

Cheng Kung University ,Tainan,Taiwan

2000 D.D.S Department of Dentistry, College of Oral Medicine ,Chung Shan

Medical University ,Taichung, Taiwan

Professional Experience:

Aug 2007-present Visiting staff, Division of oral and maxillofacial surgery, Department of

Stomatology,National Cheng Kung University Hospital

Sep 2012~ Aug 2013 Reserarch Fellowship, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Houston Methodist Hospital Research Institute, Houston, Texas ,USA

Aug 2006~July 2007 Fellowship, Division of oral and maxillofacial surgery, Department of

Stomatology,National Cheng Kung University Hospital

Aug 2002~July 2006 Resident Doctor, Division of oral and maxillofacial surgery, Department

of Stomatology,National Cheng Kung University Hospital

Aug 2000 ~ July2002 Resident Doctor, Tainan Municipal Hospital

Board Certified

Dec 2006 Diplomate, Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Taiwan (R.O.C)

Major Research Interests:

Biomaterials in dentistry

Computer assisted surgery

Clinical oral and maxillofacial surgery

Awards and Honors:

2005 Best poster presentation, 17th Annual Academic Conference, Association of Oral and

Maxillofacial Surgeons Taiwan(R.O.C)

2006 Best oral presentation, 18th Annual Academic Conference, Association of Oral and

Maxillofacial Surgeons Taiwan(R.O.C)

Best oral presentation, 18th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

2007 Best oral presentation,19th Annual Academic Conference, Association of Oral and

Maxillofacial Surgeons Taiwan(R.O.C)

2009 MEDARTIS Award of Poster, 54th Congress of the Japanese Society of Oral and

Maxillofacial Surgeons

2014 Best oral presentation,26th Annual Academic Conference, Association of Oral and

Maxillofacial Surgeons Taiwan(R.O.C)

Professional Memberships:

Association of oral and maxillofacial surgery Taiwan (R.O.C)-member

Research Publications:

Referred Paper

1.KC Chen,TY Wong,JS Huang,CH Chung 2005/09 Implantation of Cancer to Flap Donor Site-A Case Report Taiwan Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery 16(2):109-118

2.BC Chen,TY Wong, KC Chen,JS Huang,MC Chen 2007/09 Surgical Release of

Temporomandibular Joint Ankylosis with Interpositional Arthroplasty using Temporalis

Muscle Flap: A Case Report Taiwan Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery 18(2):118-130

3.BC Chen,CY Kao,CD Lee, KC Chen,TY Wong,JS Huang 2008/06 Right Cheek Nodular Fasciitis — A Case Report and Review of Literature Taiwan Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery 19(2):100-109

4.JS Huang,TY Wong,PJ Chang,YC Tsai, KC Chen 2008/12 Application of Patient-Controlled Analgesia (PCA) in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Patients Taiwan Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery 19(4):260-267

5.KM Ku, KC Chen,TY Wong,JS Huang,HL Song,CC Chen 2009/11Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Submandibular Gland-A Case Report Taiwan Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery 20(3):202-216

6.HY Chou, KC Chen,TY Wong,JS Huang,JJ Fang 2010/09 Treatment of Extensive Maxilla, Zygoma and Orbital Wall Osteonecrosis Caused by Rhino-orbital Mucormycosis Infection – A Case Report Taiwan Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery 21(3):192-205

7. L-C Fan,W-F Chiang,C-H Liang,Y-T Tsai,T-Y Wong,K-C Chen,T-M Hong,Y-L Chen 2011/06 α-Catulin knockdown induces senescence in cancer cells Oncogene. 30(23):2610-21

8. Kuo Yuan, KC Chen,YJ Chan,CC Tsai,HH Chen,CC Shih 2012/02 Dental Implant Failure Associated with Bacterial Infection and Long-term Bisphosphonate Usage: A Case Report Implant dentistry 21(1): 3-7

9. Li Wang, KC Chen, Feng Shi, Shu Liao, Gang Li, Yaozong Gao, Steve GF Shen, Jin Yan,Philip K. M. Lee, Ben Chow, Nancy X. Liu, James J. Xia, Dinggang Shen 2014/04 Automated bone segmentation from dental CBCT images using patch-based sparse representation and convex optimization Medical Physics 2014 ,41(4): 043503

10. Lee WT, Huang CC, KC Chen, Wong TY, Ou CY, Tsai ST, Yen CJ, Fang SY, Lo HI, Wu YH, Hsueh WT, Yang MW, Lin FC, Hsiao JR, Huang JS, Chang JY,Chang KY, Wu SY, Lin CL, Wang YH, Weng YL, Yang HC, Chang J. 2014/04 Genetic polymorphisms in the prostaglandin pathway genes and risk of head and neck cancer Oral Diseases 2014 Apr 12 published online

11. Sen-Tien Tsai1, Tung-Yiu Wong, Chun-Yen Ou, Sheen-Yie Fang, KC Chen, Jenn-Ren Hsiao, Cheng-Chih Huang, Wei-Ting Lee, Hung-I Lo, Jehn-Shyun Huang, Jiunn-Liang Wu, Chia-Jui Yen, Wei-Ting Hsueh, Yuan-Hua Wu, Ming-Wei Yang, Forn-Chia Lin, Jang-Yang Chang, Kwang-Yu Chang, Shang-Yin Wu, Hsiao-Chen Liao, Chen-Lin Lin, Yi-Hui Wang, Ya-Ling Weng, Han-Chien Yang andJeffrey S. Chang 2014/04 The interplay between alcohol consumption, oral hygiene,ALDH2 and ADH1B in the risk of head and neck cancer International Journal of Cancer 2014 135(10) 2424-2436

12. Cheng-Chih Huang,Wei-Ting Lee,Sen-Tien Tsai,Chun-Yen Ou,Hung-I Lo,Tung-Yiu Wong,Sheen-Yie Fang, KC Chen,Jehn-Shyun Huang,Jiunn-Liang Wu,Chia-Jui Yen,

Wei-Ting Hsueh,Yuan-Hua Wu,Ming-Wei Yang,Forn-Chia Lin,Jang-Yang Chang,Kwang-Yu Chang,Shang-Yin Wu,Jenn-Ren Hsiao,Chen-Lin Lin,Yi-Hui Wang,Ya-Ling Weng,Han-Chien Yang,Jeffrey S. Chang 2014/05 Tea Consumption and Risk of Head and Neck Cancer PLOS ONE 2014 9(5) e96507

Conference Paper(Taiwan)

1. KC Chen, JY Tai, JS Huang, CH Chung, HA Chen, TY Wong 2004/03 Treatment result of metachronous secomad primary oral SCC. 16th Annual Academic Conference, Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Taiwan(R.O.C)

2. KC Chen, JJ Fang, JS Huang, TY Wong 2005/03 Use of custom-made surgical template to guide intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy: case report. 17th Annual Academic Conference, Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Taiwan(R.O.C)

3. KC Chen, JJ Fang, Tony Wu, TY Wong 2006/03 Correction of tilted computed tomography images using self-developed computer program- the methods and their clinical applications. 18th Annual Academic Conference, Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Taiwan(R.O.C)

4. KC Chen, TY Wong, JJ Fang, HA Chen, JS Huang, CH Chung 2007/03. Treatment result of oral submucous fibrosis with prediction of coronoid process impingement by self-developed computer program. 19th Annual Academic Conference, Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Taiwan(R.O.C)

5. KC Chen, TY Wong, JJ Fang,JK Liu 2008/03 Model surgery tracking - use in preoperative planning of orthognathic surgery. 20th Annual Academic Conference, Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Taiwan(R.O.C)

6. KC Chen, JS Huang,TY Wong 2008/12 Bisphophonate related ostenecrosis of the jaw 2008 Annual scientific meeting, association for dental sciences of republic of china

7. KC Chen, TY Wong, JJ Fang 2009/03 Study of the facial bone asymmetry in 24 cases using the Best Symmetry Plane Program 21st Annual Academic Conference, Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Taiwan(R.O.C)

8. JB Lo, KC Chen, JS Huang,TY Wong 2009/11 Simultaneous bilateral parotid gland Wartnin’s tumor – a case report 2009 Annual scientific meeting, association for dental sciences of republic of china

9. PC Nien, KC Chen, JS Huang,TY Wong 2009/11 Primary intraosseous carcinoma in maxilla- a case report 2009 Annual scientific meeting, association for dental sciences of republic of china

10. KC Chen, TM Lee,TY Wong 2010/03 The effect of age and surface treatment on human jaw bone osteoblast reponse to titanium implant in vitro 22nd Annual Academic Conference, Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Taiwan(R.O.C)

11. KC Chen, JS Huang,TY Wong 2011/03 Diagnostic gland-sparing upper neck dissection-26 cases series 23rd Annual Academic Conference, Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Taiwan(R.O.C)

Conference Paper(International)

1. KC Chen,TY Wong,JJ Fang,TJ Wu. 2006/11. Correction of tilted computed tomography images using self-developed computer program- the methods and their clinical applications. Abstract of the 7th Asian Congress on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hong Kong. Asian J Oral Maxillofac Surg 18 (supplement 1): 32

2. KC Chen,TY Wong,JJ Fang,TJ Wu,JS Huang. 2007/11. Treatment result of oral submucous fibrosis with prediction of coronoid process impingement by self-developed computer program. Abstract of the 18th International Conference of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Bangalore, India, Internal J Oral Maxillofac Surg 36: 1044.

3. KC Chen,TY Wong,JS Huang 2009/05 Result of surgical treatment of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of jaw—report of 18 cases. Abstract of the 19th International Conference of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Shanghai, China, Internal J Oral Maxillofac Surg 3: 478

4. KC Chen,TY Wong,JJ Fang 2009/10 Study of the facial bone asymmetry in 24 cases using the Best Symmetry Plane Program The 54th Congress of the Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

5. KC Chen, TM Lee,TY Wong 2010/09 Age and surface treatment effect on hOB reponse to implant Annual scientic meeting 2010, 24 th International Association for Dental Research, South-East Asian Division

6. KC Chen,TY Wong,JJ Fang 2010/10 A retrospective study of 120 cases using rapid prototyping modeling in oral and maxillofacial surgery The 55th Congress of the Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons