2015年9月26日 星期六

Difference in Preference of Chin Projection- According to Frontal Facial Form and Gender

Difference in Preference of Chin Projection
- According to Frontal Facial Form and Gender

Hyungmo KIM
Assistant professor
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Soonchunhyang University Bucheon Hospital
Bucheon, KOREA


Objective: To investigate the preferred chin projection (CP) according to frontal facial forms and gender using three-dimensional (3D) facial morphed images.

Materials and methods: 3D facial images of three males and three females with eury- (Eury-FF), meso- (Meso-FF), or lepto-prosopic frontal facial form (Lepto-FF) were obtained using a 3D-facial scanner (Morpheus Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea). With a software (Morpheus 3D Aesthetic Solution Ver. 2.0), CP was changed into 10° of the soft tissue facial profile angle (glabella-subnasale-soft tissue pogonion) as a normal. Then CPs were morphed from normal (10°) by an increment of 2° [moderately protrusive (6°), slightly protrusive (8°), slightly retrusive (12°) and moderately retrusive (14°)]. A total of 75 dental students were asked to rate the five CPs from the most preferred one to the worst one in each facial form of male and female 3D-images. Chi-square test was performed for statistical analysis.

Results: The most preferred CP was significantly different among facial forms (P<0.001): normal (35%) in Meso-FF; slightly protrusive (40%) in Eury-FF; and slightly retrusive (39%) in Lepto-FF. In Meso-FF, gender did not exhibit a difference in the most preferred CP (normal, 33% in male and 36% in female). However, in Euery-FF, male favored slightly protrusive CP (49%) but female liked slightly protrusive and normal CPs (31% and 33%) (P<0.01). In Lepto-FF, normal CP (43%) was favored in male, whereas slightly retrusive CP (51%) was favored in female (P<0.05).

Conclusion: These findings might be used as a guideline when clinicians plan orthognathic surgery and/or adjunctive esthetic surgery.